
2019 – Year of the Periodic Table

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2019 is the 150th anniversary of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements and therefore is proclaimed as the ‘International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements (IYPT2019)’ by the United Nations General Assembly and UNESCO.

The year 1869 is considered as the year of discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitri Mendeleev. While he was not the first to identify and categorise the elements, his work has been recognised as the beginning of the Periodic Table as we use it today.

Chemistry helps us understand the world around us and is often called the ‘central science’ because of its interplay with physics, biology, geology, environmental science and many other disciplines. As one of the largest employers of chemistry graduates in Australia, we aim to empower our staff to employ their knowledge to better understand their clients and the challenges they face.

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